Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

The Success and Faliures in Implants

Dr. Roshan Bang , Dr. Khadtare Yogesh R, Dr. Mali Amita M, Dr. Chaudhari Amit U, Dr. Waghmare Pramod F, Dr. Navneet Kaur

Abstract :

This review summarizes the current knowledge concerning the success and failures in implants. It recommends a general dentist with a knowledge and information regarding inclusion of an implant in a treatment plan. A key part of implant therapy is the assessment process in which an attempt is made to identify variables that increase the risk of complications leading to implant failure. Success is often difficult to define since it implies that a large number of criteria have been met such as stability, functionality, little or no change in bone support, acceptable esthetics and overall patient satisfaction. Apart from success, we have implant survival which is simply defined as any implant that remains in place at the time of evaluation, regardless of any outward signs, symptoms or history of problems. Lastly, we have implant failure which is the result of events that may jeopardize or prevent Osseo integration from occurring, or is due to the loss of already obtained Osseo integration (functional ankylosis). The authors have researched and compiled their knowledge regarding a treatment option which has a high degree of success and has been preferred by practitioners.  

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Dr. Roshan Bang , Dr.Khadtare Yogesh R, Dr.Mali Amita M, Dr.Chaudhari Amit U, Dr.Waghmare Pramod F, Dr. Navneet Kaur The Success and Faliures in Implants Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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