Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

The Study of Creolized Texts in Written Communication

Zhainagul S. Beisenova, Ainur T. Bayekeyeva, Sabira M. Sapina, Bekzat B. Dinayeva, Aizada K. Utanova

Abstract :

 The present article deals with one of the main issues of text study and text analysis as creolized text, where  the “visual information” is studied as the main tool to reach the goals in creating the text information in the  modern world and reviews the background of the problem in linguistics and semiotics; notes the basic features of a creolized  text. A creolized text is interpreted as the complex textual formation contained both verbal and visual elements in a whole  information space and investigated in structural, semantic and functional aspects.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Zhainagul S. Beisenova, Ainur T. Bayekeyeva, Sabira M. Sapina, Bekzat B. Dinayeva, Aizada K. Utanova The Study of Creolized Texts in Written Communication Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 5 May 2014

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