Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

The State of Poverty in India

Mrs. Seema Goyal

Abstract :

India is a developing economy. There are many problems in India like unemployment, inflation, regional unbalance. But is all poverty is the major problem in India. Inspite of six decades of planning, the problem of poverty is still persisting in the country. It is the most crying economic problem in India. Poverty adversely affects one’s health and skill and hence capacity to earn decreases. In India both poverty like urban poverty and rural poverty lies. For this many socio–economic factors are responsible like high population growth, highly unequal income distribution etc. while poverty decline was observed among most of the states and regions. But Bihar, U.P., Chattisgarh recorded an increase in number of poor persons due to slow progress of poverty alleviation process. In the states like Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and Meghalaya poverty ratio has actually increased many people who are just living on margin may not be able to meet their basic necessities of life. To remove poverty in India government should take efforts more seriously and allocate more funds for poverty alleviation.

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Mrs. Seema Goyal The State of Poverty in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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