Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

The Siddha drug Velvanga Parpam intervention in the Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): A Case series

K. Samraj, K. Kanakavalli, P. Sathiyarajeswaran

Abstract :

 The purpose of this case series is to describe a Siddha Herbo–mineral drug VP(Velvanga parpam) in treating a small group with Benign Prostatic hyperplasia. Clinically, BPH is distinguished by the progressive development of Lower Urinary Tract Syndrome (LUTS). Globally, benign prostatic hyperplasia affects about 210 million males as on 2010 (6% of the population). BPH is the 5th most prevalent non–cancer–related disorder among men aged 50 years and above. Economic burden of BPH accounts for seventh highest 1–year disease specific medical costs. The specific approach used to treat BPH depends upon number of factors like age, prostate size, weight, prostate–specific antigen level and severity of the symptoms. Ten patients were carefully chosen based on the selection criteria from AAGHIM, Chennai. Of the patients under study 50% of patients were in the age group of 61–70 years, 10% of patients were in the age group of 71–80 years, 40% of patients were in the age group of 51–60 years. The interventional drug was administrated orally for 12 weeks including follow up with regular visit. The severity of the symptoms analyzed by IPSS. After 12 weeks of study, 20% of cases were under Mild Symptom category, 80% of cases came under moderate category, and none of cases came under severe category. These data confirms that the Siddha drug ‘Velvanka Parpam’ can be used as a novel potential agent for BPH.

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K.Samraj, K.Kanakavalli, P.Sathiyarajeswaran, The Siddha drug Velvanga Parpam intervention in the Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): A Case series, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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