Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

The Rise of EMR Web Portal in Trichy

Dr. N. S. Shibu, J. Martin Leonard

Abstract :

This article is about the challenges and opportunities while marketing an EMRWeb Portal in Trichy. The changing seasons of the medical world is not only by the medical research &advancements; it’s also by the technical advancements and also the innovations of the medical machineries. In that way EMR [1] Web Portal [2] is a complete paperless storage of data, related to patients and medical history of their previous treatment process. Electronic Medical Record is a computerized medical record for a health-care organization to perform better compare with a traditional way. An Electronic Medical Record is a representation of patient’s medical data; it contains the information regarding the clinical information, pathology, radiology in a digital form [3].Now days, it is practiced as cloud based system, It is designed to store an appropriate contains and re-presents the data of patient’s medical condition at all times in any place. This EMR Web portal shows for an entire patient history to be viewed very legibly including the scanning videos & surgery videos. This single web portal delivers an effective medical data to examine the health changes of the patient. In that way this article discuss the practical difficulties while launching and it provides the benefits of the usage in the medical industry.

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Dr.N.S.SHIBU, J.MARTIN LEONARD The Rise of EMR Web Portal in Trichy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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