Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

The Right to Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens in India

Prof. Kamlesh M. Pandya.

Abstract :

There are several laws related with MAINTENANCE in India, such as, under section 125 of Criminal Procedure Code, The Hindu Marriage Act, The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act and what not ! As per the guidelines mentioned, under the International Law, it has been accepted that the venerable group is required to have special protection by enacting special laws. The Children, The woman, the older People, The weaker section all are the examples of venerable group. That is why our country is having The Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 for this purpose. This research paper revolves round the necessity of the Act, Provisions regarding the maintenance and the loopholes along with suggestions.

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Prof.Kamlesh M.Pandya. The Right to Maintenance of Parents and Senior Citizens in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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