Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

The Reality of Sultana’s Dream: A step towards success Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein

Riju Sharma, Ruchee Aggarwal

Abstract :

Rokeya’s Sakhawat Hossein is a “marginal” female writer at the turn of the century, an avant–garde feminist under the British Raj. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, gender issues in Colonial India, had become an imperative place of contestation between a range of Indian and British groups committed to reform in the name of both “modernity”. Indeed, woman’s question was the central issue in nineteenth century India along with the struggle for freedom. For many feminists, the dismal condition of India’s women affirmed the need for female emancipation as in the traditional society, flexibility of roles and functions was a rarity. Meanwhile, Indian activists insisted that the anti colonial struggle required the modernization of Indian society in which the women’s question and social reform were critical. In this time Rokeya stood as a beacon for women through her work Sultana’s Dream, a science fiction depicting a nation of women – an anti–colonial utopian space in colonial Bengal in which gender relationships were deconstructed without ignoring history. Undeniably, Sultana’s Dream opened up new vistas for women where dreams, visions and thoughts can boom. This article is an effort to realize the dream of every Indian woman through the campaign of gender equality

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Riju Sharma, Ruchee Aggarwal The Reality of Sultana’s Dream: A step towards success Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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