Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013
The Probable Prevalence of Pancreatico Biliary Maljunction in South Indian Adult Population.
Dr. Anandarani . V. S.
Abstract :
The present study in the south Indian adult population was planned to learn the terminal anatomical arrangement of the bile duct and the main pancreatic duct, giving importance to the mode of drainage these ducts into the duodenal lumen . Materials and methods The study was designed as a descriptive dissection based observational study .By routine dissection method 200 adult duodenopancreas specimens ( 140 males and 60 females)were studied. The bile duct was incised just above the first part the duodenum. The mode of termination was observed and the position of pancreatico biliary ductal junction was noted. The presence of a true common channel was confirmed after ruling out the presence of a septum inside Results In this study the common duct formation was observed in 80% and among these 11% showed a septum inside the common passage 69% showed a true common duct . 20% of specimens showed separate openings of the bile duct and pancreatic duct into the duodenal lumen . In 8% of the specimens the ductal union was well out side the duodenal wall. The cases with extramural placement of ductal junction were identified as the probable cases of pancreatico biliary maljunction and the emyological basis of this condition was analysed. The etiology of various diseases associated with this condition can be explained by the functional variation of sphincter of oddi. The study results were compared with previous reports .The extra duodenal junction was observed more in females. Conclussion. In our descriptive anatomical study we tried to reveal the clinical significance of the mode of termination of the pancreatco biliary ductal system and the probable prevalence of pancreatico biliary maljunction in south Indian population was noted as 8%
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr. ANANDARANI .V.S / The Probable Prevalence of Pancreatico Biliary
Maljunction in South Indian Adult Population / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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Dr. ANANDARANI .V.S / The Probable Prevalence of Pancreatico Biliary Maljunction in South Indian Adult Population / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013
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