Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2017

The Postcolonial Connundrum– Perspectives and Contrasts

Karunakaran B Shaji

Abstract :

 Chinua Achebe and Joseph Conrad represent two conflicting themes of the postconial literature. A juxtapositing of their major works will reveal for forces at work behind the postcolonial literary representation. In an analysis that was painstaking and deeply disruptive they unleashed energies and forces that still provoke and instigate many irresoluble issues and perspectives. This paper is an attempt to understand the strained relationship that exists between their works.


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Karunakaran B Shaji, The Postcolonial Connundrum– Perspectives and Contrasts, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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