Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

The Passanger Cabin Safety Capsules

Er. A. Mohan

Abstract :

The main aim of this concept is to design and faicate an escape mechanism is to create a capsule inside a fuselage and show the effective escape mechanism of these capsules which enables the passengers to rescue from the aircraft easily in case of an emergency like fire explosion or engine failure or during some other catastrophes. This can be installed in the aircraft and these capsules can be sent out by an opening at the rear end of the fuselage. if installed will ensure passengers safety in case of emergency like bird strike attack or engine failure or other accident in aircraft. It is involves the making of a cost effective model inside the aircraft analyze them and produce a working model of the same. We can save the people life by ejecting the capsules out of the aircraft.

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Er.A.MOHAN The Passanger Cabin Safety Capsules Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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