Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

The Origin and Development of Northern Black Polished Ware: An Indian Archaeological Perspective

Garima Bharti

Abstract :

Archaeology is the base of History and it will not be wrong and exaggerated if we say that archaeological evidences are the mirror of our great historical past. Without these evidences, we cannot ascertain the reality of our past. Hence, archaeological evidences have played an important role to shape the history of any era. Archaeological remains, which were found during excavation of a particular site, in the form of Potteries, Coins, Sculptures, Potsherd, Metals, Terracotta’s, Artifacts etc. are very important source of information about that particular site. Northern Black Polished Wares (Potteries), the originator of Second Urbanization in India (During 6 century B.C.), have given a new dimension to Indian History. These wares have helped us to know the most specific civilization as well as primitive civilized places of India. These wares were found in especially North Western region of India. In this paper I would be throwing some light on the origin and development of Northern Black Polished Ware and how it affected the Indian history during 6 century B.C

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Garima Bharti / The Origin and Development of Northern Black Polished Ware: An Indian Archaeological Perspective / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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