Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

The Manifestations of Place in Nagib Mahfouz‘s The Nights of One Thousand Night

Dr. Alia Al Kassim Abureesh, Dr. Jamal Assadi

Abstract :

This study examines the manifestations of place in Mahfouz’s The Nights of One Thousand Night, where he largely seems to depict a real worldwrapped up with a queer context to indicate man’s alteration between the physical and the spiritual worlds. Mahfouz derives this bizarre and fascinating locale from the well–known novel, The Thousand Nights and One Night. Indeed, Mahfouz has managed to create an imaginary context immersed with spheres having the fascination of dawn and the astonishment of the past. In so doing, he has not only refueled the novel with suspense and excitement but also rewritten Shahrazad’s tales thus creating a mechanism, which relates the past to the present through intertextuality. Through inventing this new locale, Mahfouz in fact offers various aspects of his reality his world and society, which he could not have drawn, had he resorted to familiar styles and contexts. Hence, these new invented places and figures help the novelist spread his message. Through blurring the lines between reality and imagination, Mahfouz attains the ideal place or Utopia as anticipated by Shahrayar in his attempt to find redemption from life’s contradictions and turn the innovated universe into a psychological compensation for the repeated frustrations within the space of the assigned and real world.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Alia Al-Kassim AbuReesh, Dr. Jamal Assadi The Manifestations of Place in Nagib Mahfouz¥s The Nights of One Thousand Night Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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