Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

The Intermix of Social Media in Propelling the Social Change.

Vagdevi H S, Shantharaju S

Abstract :

Social media per say has changed the Internet from a static space concerned with the transmission to a dynamic space where users can generate their own content. From one Facebook post that led to a protest in Tahrir square, leading to the revolution in Egypt to Occupy Wall Street movement in US, which was started by a mere blog post, from the 2011 earthquake catastrophe in Japan to Kenyans to garner support for the famine stricken natives in international level. From the Pink Chaddi Campaign to the Besharmi Morcha at the national level, the latest in this list ‘Bell Bajao’. From the zero tolerance campaign against eve–teasing to the meter jam campaign by auto rickshaw drivers, at the local level. If we understand this whole process through Everrt Rogers ‘Diffusion of Innovation’, we are in the stage of implementation which falls in the group of late majority. In addition, as our communication networks become denser through technological advance, the diffusion process is happening faster and faster.

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Vagdevi H S, Shantharaju S The Carving of Social Change: An Analysis of Social Media in The Milieu of Social Change Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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