Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

The Influence of Sanskrit in Indo–European Languages: A Study

Sirigiri Joyice, Dr. Sk. Sheela

Abstract :

 Sanskrit is a member of the Indo–Iranian Subfamily of the Indo–European family of languages its closet ancient relatives are the Iranian languages. Avestan and Old Persian. The oldest known Indo Aryan texts, the Vedas, were composed in an archak form of Sanskrit called Vedic. The oldest of the Vedas, the Ruguveda, dates to the middle of the 2nd millennium BCE and was composed largely in the north western region of the Indian subcontinent. Throughout its history, Sanskrit was influenced by the languages with which it came in contact and in turn, it influenced them. Even the oldest Vedic texts show some signs of convergence with non Indo–Aryan languages in Phonology, Syntax, and lexicon. Sanskrit as a second language Sanskrit as a second was also substantially influenced by the first languages of its speakers – whether Indo–Aryan Vernaculars such as the Prakrits (or) Middle languages. Indo–Aryan languages or non–Indo–Aryan tongues such as the Dravidian languages of south India.

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Sirigiri Joyice, Dr.SK.Sheela, The Influence of Sanskrit in Indo–European Languages: A Study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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