Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

The Influence of Iter Pps Composite Fibers in the Stone Mastic Asphalt

Ciprian Tarta

Abstract :

The composite Iter PPS fibers (fig.1) are fibers manufactured through the combination of classic celulose fibers with elastomers or different products which can react in the asphalt mixture. In this study it has been noticed the influence of the components from which Iter PPS fibers are made of, in the stone mastic asphalt(SMA). The samples used were dynamically–tested: stiffness, dynamic creep and permanent deformation resistance. The results obtained with every type of fiber were compared to the standard mixture, mixture that has the same structure but in which the fiber has not been added. Through these tests it has been noticed that each fiber component influences the results.

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Ciprian Tarta The Influence of Iter Pps Composite Fibers in the Stone Mastic Asphalt Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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