Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

The Incidence of malignancy in multinodular goiter:A Prospective study in 60 cases

K. Suhas, B. Vanya

Abstract :

 Introduction: Multi nodular goiter is probably the most common endocrine problem in the world today generating enormous enthusiasm amongst the medical community of surgeons and physicians. Prevalence of nodular goiters are so common these 1,2,3,12 days(occurring in about 4 –7% of population) and varies considerably depending in large part on the iodine intake of population studied. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospective study was carried out in the department of general surgery at Alluri Sita rama raju institute of medical sciences ,Eluru,Andhra Pradesh from Sep 2014 – 2016 .Based on Clinical examination, FNAC, Ultrasonography , Thyroid profile , goiters are operated for appropriate indications and further subjected to histopathological examinations. Results of intra operative findings and histopathological examinations are evaluated for malignancy. RESULTS: Over a period of two years sixty patients with goiters were studied. Based on clinical examination and noninvasive investigations the thyroid swellings were classified into, STN (43.33%), MNG (46.66%) and diffused goiter (10%) and histo–pathological revealed increase in the number of MNG to 70%, of while solitary nodule and diffused goiter each dropped to 25% and 5% respectively. Malignant changes were seen in 9.52% of MNG after histo–pathological examination. 75% of carcinoma seen in MNG were of the papillary type, 25% follicular type.

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K.Suhas, B.Vanya, The Incidence of malignancy in multinodular goiter:A Prospective study in 60 cases, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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