Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Dr. K. Uthayasuriyan, V. Vijayalakshmi

Abstract :

 Employer anding is the new modern word for marketers as well as in human resource management. Employer Branding is defined as “targeted, long –term strategy to manage the awareness and perceptions of employees, potential employees, and related stakeholders with regards to a particular firm. The strategy can be tuned to drive recruitment, retention, and productivity management efforts. The organizations use many methods to recruit and hire, but now it is time to use the organization’s and to attract talents the organization would like. Employer and is “the image of an organization as a ‘great place to work’ in the mind of current employees and key stakeholders in the external market.” Brands are among a firm‘s most valuable assets and as a result and management is a key activity in many organizations. The key to developing the employer and strategy is to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the organizational culture, key talent drivers (engagement factors), external perceptions, leadership vision, and management practices. Brand Management have been applied by the HR in order to attract, engage and retain employees in the same way as marketing applies such tools to attract and retain customers. This article will defines about Employer Branding, Employer Branding Process and Importance, Steps in Building employer and to attract, engage & retain talent, suggestions to attract, keep & motivate employees, Employee Retention Strategy.

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Dr. K. UTHAYASURIYAN, V.VIJAYALAKSHMI The Impact of Employer Branding on Employee Performance Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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