Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

The Great escape from India‘s Malnutrition enigma among high risk tribal of Melghat (India)

Balu Mote, Geeta Deshmukh, Ashish Satav

Abstract :

Objective of study: To identify the predictors of maternal, child and household sanitation – environmental  for status of well–nourished child among tribal of Melghat (India) Design: Quantitative cross sectional study using questionnaire of maternal, child and household sanitation–environmental practices. Setting: Ten villages from the Dharani block of Melghat (India). Subject: Fifty one mother of malnourished and fifty one mother of well–nourished child  Result: Among maternal factors availability of social support in pregnancy (p<0.05), ANC visit more than two (p<0.05)  and education received during pregnancy (p<0.05) associated with well–nourished child. Among child related predictors, Birth weight (p<0.005), active feeding to child (p<0.005), psychosocial care (p<0.05) and interaction between family members and child (p<0.05) found related to well–nourished status of child. Among household sanitation–environmental factors, presence of Hygienic practices (p<0.001), animal entry in house (p<0.05), protected source of water  (p<0.05) and location of kitchen (p<0.05) found associated with health status of child. After incorporating all these  significant factors in a logit model then, one maternal ANC visit with (p<0.05), two from child related predictors birth  weight with (p<0.005) and active feeding with (p<0.05) and one from household sanitation –environmental factorsprotected source of water with (p<0.05) found significant predictors for well–nourished health status of child. Conclusion: Eventually it is active feeding to child, birth weight (more than 2500Kg), at least two ANC visit in pregnancy, education received in pregnancy (alert mother) and availability of protected source of water found lend a hand  for making escape of child from high risk malnourished environment of tribal part of Melghat (India).

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Balu Mote, Geeta Deshmukh, Ashish Satav The Great escape from India's Malnutrition enigma among high risk tribal of Melghat (India) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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