Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

The Essence of Gitagovinda and Odissi Music

Mr. Dheeraj Kumar Mohapatra

Abstract :

In Odisha, original Indian classical music in the form of "Raga–Pravandha–Gana" was transformed to Raga–Ksyudra–Geeta Pravandha Gana by Sri Jayadeva, the great composer, illustrious musician, a saint poet of Odisha as well as great devotee of Lord Jagannath. He was born in the first half of the 13th century A.D. in the village Kenduli on the sacred river Prachi in the district of Puri and gave new shape, new taste and colour to Indian Classical music through his ever glittering and uncomparable compositions of Sri Geeta Govinda. Ingredients of classical music like Raga–Tala–Geeta–Chhandas etc. of Sri Geeta Govinda were introduced in the services of the temple of the Lord Jagannath and was accepted as the temple music of Odisha.

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MR.DHEERAJ KUMAR MOHAPATRA The Essence of Gitagovinda and Odissi Music Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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