Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

The Emergence of Unmarked Syllables in Noakhali Bangla

Uttam Chakraborty

Abstract :

Syllable in a language determines the basic speaking style in language. The structures of syllable are language–specific and it also specifically differentiates languages from each other. About the dialectal variety also this feature is applicable. Even a dialect–specific syllabic convention keeps that dialect different from the other dialectal varieties of the same language. Noakhali Bangla syllable structures are all simple non–clustered ones. To preserve this unmarkedness of syllables, some repair strategies are employed to modify the original clustered syllables those come both from Standard Colloquial Bangla and other languages. Applying some four optional repair models, the unmarked syllables are ensured in the dialectal practice.

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Uttam Chakraborty The Emergence of Unmarked Syllables in Noakhali Bangla Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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