Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

The Effects of Fatigue in Small–Sided Games Workouts

Bekris Evangelos, Mylonis Eleftherios, Gioldasis Aristotelis, Gissis Ioannis, Sarakinos Aris, Noutsos Konstantinos

Abstract :

Soccer is a demanding physical game which requires resistance on fatigue so as to improve the performance. The mechanisms which relate the fatigue and the performance (i.e. cognitive, physiological, physical, and technical factors) are described to the current study. Although, nowadays the small-sided games (SSG) are considered as the main method of increasing the physical condition there is a literature gap on the mechanisms that contribute to this relationship. Consequently, the aim of the current study was to examine how the 3Vs3 SSG affect the fatigue and how training either above or under the anaerobic threshold (AT) influence it differently. Six semi-professional male soccer players (age 17.4±0.5 years, height 1.70±0.14 m, body mass 65.0±4.8 kg), participated in the study. It was measured the anaerobic threshold, the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), and the maximal heart rate (HRmax) of each player on the treadmill. The researchers also examined the heart rate, the blood lactic acid, the visual reaction, the juggling and the maximal ball speed during shooting of each player. The statistical analysis that was used was descriptive statistics and pairwise comparisons. The results revealed the relationships between fatigue and technical skills (i.e. anaerobic threshold and maximal ball speed during shooting). Specifically, it was found that players who practiced above AT presented a stronger reduction of the maximal ball speed during shooting. < clear=\"all\" style=\"page-eak-before:always; mso-eak-type:section-eak\" />

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Bekris Evangelos, Mylonis Eleftherios, Gioldasis Aristotelis, Gissis Ioannis, Sarakinos Aris, Noutsos Konstantinos The Effects of Fatigue in Small-Sided Games Workouts Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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