Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

The Effects of English Language Study Period and Age of The Ielts Candidates on Their Listening Performance

Maghsoud Alizad Farrokhi

Abstract :

 As per the communicative view on language, it is necessary to help language learners in general, and 

the IELTS candidates in particular, use the language communicatively and intelligibly according to their 
communication needs. Listening plays a pivotal role in learning a language. The process of learning a language normally commences with listening and terminates in the production of writing. In the overall scheme of things, listening 
comprehension has had a relatively short but trying story that has been subject to internal and external influences such 
as teacher and student opinions and motivation strategies, the design and presentation of aural material, and the technologies available, all of which can affect a student’s ability to process listening comprehension texts. In this regard, 
the present study endeavours to investigate the IELTS candidates’ listening comprehension test contents so as to find 
out the effects of English language study period (ELSP) and age on listening performance of IELTS candidates.

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Maghsoud Alizad Farrokhi The Effects of English Language Study Period and Age of The Ielts Candidates on Their Listening Performance Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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