Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

The Effect of Organic Manure and Supplementary Diet on Growth Performance of Heteropneustus fossilis

Kandeepan, C, P. Sivamani, M. Mary Queen, R. R. Thanighaiarassu, B. Asha Nancy, J. Varalakshmi

Abstract :

The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of organic manure such as cow dung and poultry manure with and without feed supplements on growth performance and other biological parameter of Heteropneustusfossilis. Five different treatments such as mix feed, only cow dung, only poultry waste, cow dung and mix feed and poultry waste and mix feed were used. The study was conducted for 35 days. Cow dung and poultry manure were supplemented according to area of experimental tank and mix feed were supplemented according to 3% of body weight of fishes. The results showed increase in body weight of fishes in all the treatments.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Kandeepan, C, P.Sivamani, M.Maryqueen, R.R.Thanighaiarassu, B.AshaNancy, J.Varalakshmi The Effect of Organic Manure and upplementary Diet on Growth Performance of Heteropneustus Fossilis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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