Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

The effect of anesthesia in Hematological parameters in patient with bone fracture surgery

Talib F. Abbas

Abstract :

 The ideal i.v. anesthetic agent has a rapid onset of action and is quickly cleared from the bloodstream and CNS, facilitating control of the anesthetic state (e.g., allowing titration of effect). The ideal agent also protects vital tissues, has other desirable pharmacologic effects (e.g., an antiemetic effect), does not affect the circulatory system or cause other adverse effects, and is inexpensive. Therefore, the periodic testing of various types of anesthetics in hematological parameters have been applied for safety in multiple concentrations and doses. The study has been surfed the effect of anesthetics in hematological parameter (Hb %, sugar, and uric acid) in 11 patients, whom attained orthopedics department in Al–Nasereah hospital. The results showed a significant decrease in hemoglobin amount after the surgery for the 11 patients. Virtually, the time of blood collecting was after the recovery. It is insignificant differences between the means of the blood glucose level before and after the surgery at (P≤ 0.05). It is insignificant differences between the means of the blood urea levels before and after the surgery p≤0.05. Metabolic function was assessed by measuring the concentrations of blood urea and sugar. At different levels of anesthetics in relation to time–before and after surgery– non significant differences among patients were observed in current study. There was decrease in values of hemoglobin and change was significant. It was may be due to the higher tendency of these anesthetics to conjugate to blood proteins, and the hemoglobin is one of these proteins which were affected. Most of the anesthetics were free radical generators which were effected the proteins concentration in blood especially the Hb as the main mediator of transport

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Talib F. Abbas, The effect of anesthesia in Hematological parameters in patient with bone fracture surgery, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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