Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

The Distributive Leadership Behaviours of Foreign Language Schools’ Principals from Instructors’ Perspectives

Abdurrahman Tanriogen, Seher Scan

Abstract :

 The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of distributive leadership behavior of foreign language schools principals on the job satisfaction of instructors. The sample size is 416 instructors working in foreign language school for the academic year 2013–2014. The data has been gathered through “Leadership Practices Inventory” by Kouzes and Posner. According to results, the mean square of the frequency of distributive leadership behaviours of foreign language school principals according to the instructors was found at “Sometimes” level.

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Abdurrahman TANRIOGEN, Seher ?SCAN The Distributive Leadership Behaviours of Foreign Language Schools¥ Principals from Instructors¥ Perspectives Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 8 | August 2016

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