Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

The Detention of the Heavy Metal Ions by the Zeolitic Volcanic Tuffs (A Case Study of Cluj County, Romania)

Dobocan Corina Adriana, Craciun Florina

Abstract :

This work presents a case study of the main zeolites volcanic tuffs from Cluj county. The results of experimental research have a high significance in assessing the importance and efficiency of using zeolite tuff from Cluj area and especially from Cornesti, Tiocu, Paglisa and Macicasu careers regarding the water remediation processes as water mine depollution. We studied the samples of these quarries which are not exploited to establish the mineralogical and chemical constituents, untreated tuff samples were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy (IR). We analyzed the samples of zeolite volcanic tuffs, before and after the contact with mine water from Larga de Sus mine (Alba county). This reseach can be a basis for launching other concerns of the zeolitical volcanic tuffs use more efficient at pilot or industrial stage

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dobocan Corina Adriana, Craciun Florina / The Detention of the Heavy Metal Ions by the Zeolitic Volcanic Tuffs (A Case Study of Cluj County, Romania) / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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