Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

The course of Anxiety and Depression during pregnancy

Dr. Bajarang Lal, Dr. Brajesh Kumar Pushp

Abstract :

 Pregnancy is a very crucial phase of every woman’s lives. Every lady feels anxious by anticipating about this phase and is very concerned about her and the baby while going through pregnancy. It is been studied from times immemorial that pregnancy not only has its physiological but also has its psychological manifestations over a women. In order to study certain psychological aspect of women going through a period of pregnancy, the present study is aimed at investigating the level of anxiety and depression among the women belonging to various stages of pregnancy. The total sample of 90 women was taken from the gynecology and obstetrics department, NIMS hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan where 30 women from each trimester was taken under the study. The tools administered on them were HARS (Hamilton’s Anxiety Rating Scale) and HDRS (Hamilton’s Depression Rating Scale). Frequency and percentage was calculated. Results obtained indicated that majority of women showed moderate to high level of anxiety in third trimester, whereas, moderate to severe depression was observed in women who belonged to first trimester group. Implications and limitations are stated.

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Dr. Bajarang Lal, Dr. Brajesh Kumar Pushp, The course of Anxiety and Depression during pregnancy, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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