Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

The Correlation between Adopted Listening Strategies and Performance of the IELTS Candidates

Maghsoud Alizad Farrokhi,

Abstract :

Listening has become an important part of many second or foreign language programmes.Listening involves the simultaneous organization and combination of skills in phonology, syntax, semantics, and knowledge of the text structure. Listeningto texts in an English academicsetting, the IELTS candidatesappeared to use anextensive arrayoflisteningstrategies,butthey did not indicate any significant differences in employing the listening strategies. Neither general nor academic training groups in this investigation revealed any significant differences in using the strategies.

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Maghsoud Alizad Farrokhi, The Correlation Between Adopted Listening Strategies and Performance of the Ielts Candidates Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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