Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

The Concept of Hybridization : A Rapid and New Innovative Method for Prediction of Hybridized State of an Atom in a Very Short Time

Professor Dr. Virendra Kumar Jain

Abstract :

 For the prediction of molecular and electronic properties of a substance a clear understanding of the concept of hyidization is vitally important to students of chemistry in undergraduate, graduate and also in postgraduate level. Several studies have noted that the concept of hyidization is among one of the most difficult to understand for students at all levels of learning chemistry. There are various methods which are generally used to find the hyidized state of an atom and these methods are time consuming. In this work we discuss the concept of hyidization in detail and try to develop a physical picture of hyidization process. On the basis of our investigation of a large number of polyatomic molecules and ions, we report a new innovative method for prediction of hyidized state of an atom in a very short time without knowing the electronic structure of the molecule or ion. We can strongly recommend that this method will be the very rapid one for the determination of hyidized state of an atom.

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Professor (Dr.) Virendra Kumar Jain The Concept of Hybridization : A Rapid and New Innovative Method for Prediction of Hybridized State of an Atom in a Very Short Time Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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