Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

The concept of habitus in achieving mastery in sports – tennis example

Dr Piotr Unierzyski

Abstract :

The paper describes the concept of habitus in relation to the theory of sport training. The notion of habitus was defined by Pierre Bourdieu and is widely used to describe human behaviour in different spheres. It is defined, among others, as ability that makes “structured improvisation” or ‘regulated improvisations’ possible. One of the main characteristics of great athletes is that they are able to solve practical problems connecting together tactical, technical, mental and physical skills into one process, what corresponds to habitus. It is noticeable that modern training methods for tennis teaching follow the concept of Pierre Bourdieu. Understanding the habitus and the processes of habituation makes possible to comprehend many of human acts including the training process in sports . It is possible to support the value of modern training method for sports versus traditional ones using the theoretical concept of habitus.

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Dr Piotr Unierzyski The concept of habitus in achieving mastery in sports – tennis example Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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