Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

The Common Traits Among the Serial Killers From Criminal Profiling

Ms. Manashree Mane, Ms. Priyanka Jagtap, Dr. Swati. D. Wavhal

Abstract :

‘Criminal Profiling’ is an important technique for targeting offenders who commit serial offenses -homicides, rapes or murders - where one person is committing the same crime repeatedly. Profiling does not solve the crime itself but is used as an investigative aid. Apart from narrowing the offender types it also assists in lowering the number of victims. This study aimed to explore the common traits of the serial killers by reviewing the case studies of 10 serial killers. The most common demographic, psychological and crime-related factors were identified.

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Ms. Manashree Mane, Ms. Priyanka Jagtap, Dr. Swati. D. Wavhal The Common Traits Among the Serial Killers From Criminal Profiling Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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