Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2015

The Clinical Effect of Diode Laser Versus Iontophoresis with Acidulated Phosphate Fluoride Gel in the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity

Dr. Maya S. Indurkar, Dr. Arati S. Maurya

Abstract :

Aim: To compare the efficacy of Diode laser and 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. Material and Method: This is a randomized split mouth clinical study. Subjects of age group above 18 years with complain of hypersensitivity in atleast 2 teeth were included in the study. The sensitivity was verified with tactile test, air blast test and cold water test, response to these stimuli were recorded on a verbal rating scale 0–3. A total 30 sites were randomly divided into two groups; Group A (15 sites) — 980nm Diode Laser and Group B (15 sites) — 1.23% APF gel iontophoresis. The teeth were re–evaluated immediately 15min after the treatment, at the end of 1 week and 1month. Conclusion: Both the treatment modalities were equally effective and can be effectively used for the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity

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Dr. Maya S. Indurkar, Dr. Arati S. Maurya The Clinical Effect of Diode Laser Versus Iontophoresis With Acidulated Phosphate Fluoride Gel in the Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 7 July 2015

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