Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

The Challenges and Future Prospects of India’s Petroleum Products Refineries

Pratik P. Valand

Abstract :

The petroleum refining industry is a vital link in the energy chain in many developing and industrialized countries as it plays a key role in providing energy for all sectors of any economy. The structure, economic conditions, and developments in the industry are therefore important matters of national interest. In recent times, significant changes have taken place in India’s refining industry with resultant challenges. This paper seeks to evaluate the challenges faced by India’s petroleum refining industry in view of its recent performance and discuss the industry’s future outlook. Pricing is identified as a most important challenge which if addressed and combined with other complementary remedies could help maximize the industry’s potentials.

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Pratik P. Valand The Challenges and Future Prospects of India’s Petroleum Products Refineries Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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