Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

The Byronic Hero: A Study of The Giaour

Mr. Salem Al Khadher Haidarah Al Sadi, Dr. L. V. Padmarani Rao

Abstract :

 The most spectacular manifestation of the Byronic Hero is found in Byron’s poem The Giaour. The poem is a disjointed fragment of a Turkish Tale. The section wise analysis of the poem is offered with reference to the revenge motive, the characterization of Giaour, Leila and Hassan, the setting, the use of image, and the representation of the Byronic hero and his peculiar traits and also of the vampire. The various transformations of the Byronic Hero and the Gothic villain into terrible actions but attractive charms are related. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Vampyre by Polidori are the earliest variations of the manifestations of the paradoxical nature of such a fictional character. Charlotte Brontë has put forward the character of Heathcliff that is motivated by the revenge theme. In films like Dracula, in Television serials and in works of novelists like Ian Flaming and J. K. Rowling the same figure of the Byronic Hero is portrayed with the self–destructive tendencies, narcissism and impulsive behavior. The Byronic Hero, Gothic villain and the Vampire are impulsively negative but undoubtedly fascinating.

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Mr. Salem Al-Khadher Haidarah Al-Sadi, Dr. L.V. Padmarani Rao The Byronic Hero: A Study of The Giaour Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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