Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

The Applicability of Semen Collection in Drones of APIS Melifera Carpatica

Stefan Gregore Ciornei

Abstract :

For beekeeping farms, the bee reproduction is one of the most important things. If it is well known and controlled, it leads to high productive performances. This study aimed to test the applicability of semen collection in drones, according to their age and collection technique. Of studied drones, in 55.5% the ejaculation occurred, and this way the semen collection was possible. In the rest of the drones, the endophallus was not revealed and the ejaculation did not occur. Of drones that served to collection, in 75.7% the ejaculation was total, while in 24.3% the ejaculation was partial. Based on age categories, in L1 group the collection succeeded in 52% of the drones (69.2% with total ejaculation and 30.7% with partial ejaculation) while in L2 group the results were better, semen being collected from 59% of the drones (81.4% with total ejaculation and 18.6% with partial ejaculation.

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Stefan-Gregore CIORNEI The Applicability of Semen Collection in Drones of APIS Melifera Carpatica Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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