Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

The 3–year Trend of Nosocomial Infections in Intensive Care Unit: A Case Study in Iran

Dr. Fereshteh Farzianpour, Mobin Sokhanvar, Ensei Ashrafi, Giti Khalaj

Abstract :

The possibility of nosocomial infection exists for all patients with the beginning of treatment in hospitals; moreover, this will lead to skyrocketing costs, length of stay, and increase in mortality. This study was a descriptive–analytical that performed retrospectively in one of the teaching hospitals of Tehran in 2013. Data analyzed here were related to 2290 patients hospitalized in the ICU from 2010 to 2012. The data were collected by a checklist in accordance with national nosocomial infections surveillance system and analyzed by SPSS v.22.The prevalence rates of nosocomial infection in the years of study are as 2010 (15.33%), 2011 (13.17%) and 2012 (9.59%) and the highest frequency is related to urinary tract infections (38.4%) and the lowest is related to pneumonia (16.66%). Among the factors for infection, E. coli with 21.28% has the highest frequency and candida albicans and klebsiella with 9.15% and 8.61% respectively are the least frequent factors. Statistical tests revealed that there is a significant relationship between length of stay and nosocomial infections (p<0,001) but no significant relationship between patients’ age and gender and nosocomial infections(p<0.186).Nosocomial infections have dropped through the period of study, this has coincided with offering educational programs by the infection control unit, codification of guidelines and clinical procedures, and with hospital accreditation; these may have led to decrease of nosocomial infections.

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Dr.Fereshteh Farzianpour, Mobin Sokhanvar, Ensei Ashrafi, Giti Khalaj The 3-year Trend of Nosocomial Infections in Intensive Care Unit: A Case Study in Iran Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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