Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2019

Testosterone Level and Sexual Dysfunction in drug naive patients of depression

Dr. Pragati Bhatnagar, Dr. Mahendra Sharma, Dr Kuldeep Singh Yadav, Dr. Ram Kumar Solanki

Abstract :

Hospital based cross sectional comparative type of observational study aimed to study serum total testosterone in drug naïve patients of moderate to severe depression with sexual dysfunction was performed in 80 such subjects. Diagnosis of Moderate to severe depression was made according to (ICD–10) criteria, reconfirmed by 2 senior Psychiatrists. Sexual dysfunction is evaluated by The Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX).The subjects are divided into two groups, depression with sexual dysfunction (experimental group) and depression without sexual dysfunction (control group) respectively. Serum total testosterone is measured in both the groups. Sexual dysfunction was reported in 72.5% of the subjects. Low Testosterone had a statistically significant correlation with sexual dysfunction in drug naïve patients of depression.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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TESTOSTERONE LEVEL AND SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION IN DRUG NAIVE PATIENTS OF DEPRESSION, Dr. Pragati Bhatnagar, Dr. Mahendra Sharma, Dr Kuldeep Singh Yadav, Dr. Ram Kumar Solanki INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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