Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Technological Intervention for Environmentally Safe Plant Protection

Dr Kavya Dashora

Abstract :

 Crop protection largely focuses on the curative control of biotic stress on plants like pests, diseases and weeds. Most of the studies related to plant protection were based on the host parasite interaction and the solutions often equaled the development, transfer and adoption of single component technologies such as new crop varieties or agrochemicals1. The use of synthetic agrochemicals can be largely credited for managing pest on food crops and thereby increasing yields in agricultural production. Although it has significantly reduced the crop losses, the extensive and unguarded use of agrochemicals opened a new dimension of environmental toxicity hazards. In due course, these pesticides started contaminating drinking water sources, soil and air affecting food–safety, public health and the environment2 and the development of herbicide resistant weed populations in crop production systems3.To meet the growing demand of safe food for world’s population in present and future; the global agricultural production has to undergo rapid transformation. Much research is being conducted to develop more holistic and integrated approach for pest management avoiding the use of hazardous chemicals. The greater impact will be seen when the technology based greener approaches to crop protection will be adapted by the growers.

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Dr Kavya Dashora, Technological Intervention for Environmentally Safe Plant Protection, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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