Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr. Amita Maxwell

Abstract :

 Technology is constantly improving and way of doing things has tremendously changed. Technology is naturally enough a significant part of the change scenario. Starting from Computer Aided learning/Computer Based learning/Programmed Instructor (PI) the latest development or shift in paradigm has been towards online learning/training called by various other names like web based training/ E learning which applies to the area of training in organizations. The introduction and continued development of various technological advances have influenced a philosophical change in learning and training. Online training is still in a stage of infancy; nevertheless its potential to deliver tangible benefits to organization is being tested by organizations worldwide. The present paper aims at understanding the concept of online training, issues involved in online training and its strategic use in delivering training with effectiveness, driving competitive advantage to companies, and the benefits which accrue to the company adapting online training over traditional methods of training. With the need to stay competitive globally, companies need to keep employees update and this is possible only with online training. The cost–effectiveness and time savings with online training are the most prominent factors tilting companies towards online training method. Hence we find companies shifting from traditional training towards “online training” to train or re skill their workforce.

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Dr. Amita Maxwell Technological Innovations in Methods of Training [Online Training: Impact and Issues for Organizations] Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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