Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Tear film break up time in non insulin dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus patients

Dr. Swapnagandha Sudhir Halikar, Dr. Saurabh Chaudhari

Abstract :

 Background: The tear film of diabetic patients has been reported to be unstable. Number of tests are available for investigation of dry eye but Tear film Break up time is an easier and effective test to diagnose dry eye. Purpose of this study is to measure TBUT in patients with diabetes for early diagnosis of dry eye. Methods: We studied total of 100 patients including 46 non–insulin dependant diabetic patients and 54 normal patients. Basic demographic data regarding age, gender and occupation of the patients were recorded. From the patients’ medical records, the type of diabetes, duration of diabetes, type of medication, blood glucose levels were noted. Tear film eakup time was performed in every patient and readings were noted. Statistical analysis of readings was done. Result: We enrolled 24 female and 76 males in this study, 46 being diabetic and 54 were non–diabetic controls. The mean duration of diabetes was 8.10±3.6 years. The mean for fasting blood glucose was 143.4±27.6 mg/dl, and for HbA1C was 7.24%±1.09%. We found TBUT was significantly shorter in the diabetic group (8.42 ± 1.41 sec) than in the control group (11.65 ± 1.12 sec) (P < 0.001) Conclusion: Tear film eak up time is significantly reduced in diabetic patients compared to normal patients. Tear film eak up time can be used to diagnose dry eye in diabetic patients early.

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Dr.Swapnagandha Sudhir Halikar, Dr. Saurabh Chaudhari Tear film break up time in non insulin dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus patients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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