Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Teacher–Trainees’ Awareness Regarding Right to Information

Shamim Ahmad

Abstract :

Numerous administrative developments were pitched in under the political and bureaucratic leadership marking a new awakening for free India. The RTI Act 2005 which got massive encouragement from all quarters grants the citizenry the right to access records held by the public authorities. The 21st century learners and teachers are encouraged to instill the values and morals with which democratic process in India get strengthened. However, this write–up examines the awareness among teacher–trainees regarding Right to Information Act 2005. An analysis of the data reveals that only 10% teacher–trainees were found to have high awareness level while 31.66% with low awareness regarding Right to Information. The investigator concludes that 58.33% teacher–trainees were found to have moderate level of awareness regarding Right to Information and that no significant differences were found between i) male and female teacher–trainees and ii) science and social science teacher–trainees, but differed significantly between iii) urban and rural teacher–trainees @ 0.05 level.  

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Shamim Ahmad Teacher-Trainees’ Awareness Regarding Right to Information Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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