Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015


Sheerein Humaira, Dr. M. H. Quasmi,

Abstract :

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 moves away from the ‘textbook culture’ to “child centered pedagogy’ which means giving utmost importance to child’s experiences, their voices and their participation. It thrusts upon the constructivist approach to knowledge. Thus, when the concept of knowledge and learner changes, the role of teacher needs to be viewed afresh as well. NCF (2005) advocates that the role of a teacher is not to impart knowledge i.e. but rather be a facilitator and being to supportive to learning so that a learner constructs knowledge on his/her own. It provides a oad framework for preparation of teachers. It talks about the ongoing professional development of teachers. It talks about the pedagogic and curricular approach which bears a lot of responsibility and ownership on the part of the teacher. It emphasis a lot of teacher–initiated activities in the classrooms. The question is: Whether the present teacher education system is able to fulfill the expectations outlined in the NCF? Or is NCF merely setting up altitudes which are far from reach? This paper highlights the issues and concerns which needs to be resolved in order to ing about a paradigm shift in teacher education.

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Sheerein Humaira,Dr. M.H. Quasmi, TEACHER EDUCATION: PRESENT CONCERNS AND ISSUES Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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