Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Teacher Education Perspectives for Learning of Co–existence

Dr. D. Hassan

Abstract :

Major trends in social development in countries throughout the world have the for a paradigm shift in education generally. The reform of curricula has one to meeting such a need, which in turn has vital implications for teacher education. The present paper mainly focuses on: ‘New Ignorance’s’ and ‘New Literacies’ related to Co – existence. Building Values and Skills for Learning to Live Together. Pedagogic Action for Co – existence at School and in Social Arena. The present study paper recognizes that learning of co–existence in a globalizing world a renewed commitment to learning about each other, to the free exchange of ideas and, to increasing communication between peoples and to developing shared values.  

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Dr. D. Hassan Teacher Education Perspectives for Learning of Co-existence Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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