Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Taxonomical Studies on Earthworm Species of Gulbarga City, Karnataka, India

Dr. Shankerappa S. Hatti

Abstract :

Earthworms are very important organisms of soil they are called friend of the farmer. They are important environmentally and economically so that their identification and classification is very essential. Taxonomy aims to classify organisms based on their similarities and differences. The present study was carried out during 2011 and 2012 at Gulbarga University Gulbarga focusing on identification and classification of local species of earthworm. The earthworms were collected and preserved and then carefully examined in the laboratory. Three species of earthworms were identified based on their external morphology and internal anatomy with monograph and books. The earthworms identified are belonging to two families namely Megascolecidae and Octochaetidae. Polypheretima elongata and Perionyx sansibaricus belong to family Megascolecidae and Dichogaster bolaui belong to family Octochaetidae.  

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Dr. Shankerappa S. Hatti Taxonomical Studies on Earthworm Species of Gulbarga City, Karnataka, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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