Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Tapi River Flood Risk Map for Surat by Using Gis

G. I. Joshi, Dr. S. D. Shah

Abstract :

During the flood 2006caused damages on flood embankment and retaining wall at many places. The flood also resulted in total losses of Indian Rupees 21000 Crores in the year 2006. This flood event of 2006 signified concern on flood protection and control as such frequent event causes extensive damage to public property, infrastructure, agriculture, trade, industries, wages etc. along with loss to private properties and business establishments in general. Keeping in view the serious concern, it feels the research in that direction for minimization of Tapi river flood impacts –Surat (Gujarat) is of vital importance. Tapi River flood risk map prepared for whole Surat city which indicates high, moderate and low flood water risk level with respect to area by using GIS.

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G. I. JOSHI, Dr.S. D. SHAH Tapi River Flood Risk Map for Surat by Using Gis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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