Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Balakrishna Allugubelli

Abstract :

 The purpose of this study is to clarify what is meant by talent management and why it is important as well as to identify factors that are critical to its effective implementation. The study focus on the generally used talent management practices by the employees in an organization to make oneself clear about how much they are using their talent efficiently. Since the use of talent management programs and practices as an Hr communication tool not only takes care of the problems associated with traditional management methods but alsooffer certain advantages as managing and enhancing the quality of work with profitability. The approach for this study is exploratory study with high consideration on major purpose of gaining a better understanding of the individual’s talent. Survey based methods were used to collect detailed information regarding the characteristics of the individuals. The empirical result show that knowledge capture and acquisition, training and mentoring, communication skills, leadership development, career development, job identification have been identified as the antecedents of the individual’s talent.The responses towards talent management practices are different from person to person and they need to know the importance of talent management practices.

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Balakrishna Allugubelli Talent Management Pipeline Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 8 August 2015

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