Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2017

Synthesis and crystal structure of inorganic– organic hybrids of Cu(II) complexes of malonic acid

M. Saranya, A. Subashini, C. Arunagiri

Abstract :

 A two new copper(II) complexes, 2[Cu(phen) (mal)H2O] 1.5 H2O (1) and [Cu(bipy) (mal)H2O] H2O (2) (where, phen=1,10–phenanthroline, bipy=2,2’–bipyridine, mal= malonic acid)  have been synthesized and the molecular structure of the compounds  have been confirmed by single crystal X–ray diffraction technique. In both the complexes, the Cu(II) ion displays a five coordinated–geometry where the Cu atom is coordinated by two nitrogen atoms of one 1,10–phenanthroline/2,2’–bipyridine ligand, two oxygen atoms of one malonate anion and one oxygen atom of a coodinated water molecule forming  a slightly distorted square pyramidal geometry. The title compounds 1 and 2 crystallized in the triclinic system, space group P–1. The crystal structures are stabilized and strenghthen by intermolecular O—H…O hydrogen bonds involving both the coordinated and uncoordinated water molecules and weak C—H…O interactions.

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M. Saranya, A. Subashini, C. Arunagiri, Synthesis and crystal structure of inorganic– organic hybrids of Cu(II) complexes of malonic acid, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾6 | June‾2017

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