Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Synthesis and Biological Activities of Oxine Containing Aurones

V D Patel, S B Thakor, V G Patel, K R Patel

Abstract :

Oxine (i.e. 8–hydroxy quinoline) containing aurone derivatives (2a–e) have been prepared by condensation reaction of ?–iodoacetophenone derivatives and 5–formyl– 8–hydroxy quinoline. All the aurones have been characterized by elemental and spectral analysis. One of the aurone derivatives (2b) has been utilized for transition metal : ligand ratio, magnetic properties, and spectral analysis. All the aurones metal chelates were also screened for antifungal activity.

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V D Patel, S B Thakor, V G Patel, K R Patel Synthesis and Biological Activities of Oxine Containing Aurones Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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