Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Synthesis and Anti–Inflammatory Active Sulpha/Substituted 1, 2–Diazoles

Rachana, Lalit Gupta, C. S. Gupta, C. P. Singh, Sumit Bhatt

Abstract :

A Novel compound namely N1–(4–Fluoro) 3, 5 dimethyl–4–(N–4–sulfamoyl–azo)–1, 2–diazoles has been synthesised by two step processes. Synthesis of N1–4– sulphamoylphenylhydrazono–3, 5–dimethyl propane–1, 3–dione and sulphonamide, which interacting with 4–Fluoro benzoic acid hydrazide to form final compound. The newely synthesised compound N1–(4–Fluorobenzoyl)–3, 5–dimethyl 4–(N1–4–sulfamoyl phenyl azo) 1,2–diazoles was screened for anti–inflammatory activity

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Rachna, Lalit Gupta, C.S. Gupta, C.P. Singh, Sumit Bhatt Synthesis and Anti-Inflammatory Active Sulpha/Substituted 1, 2-Diazoles Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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