Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Swaminarayan Sect and Transition in Gujarati Society During the 19th Century

Dr. Dilip Kataria

Abstract :

During the nineteenth century Social reform movement in the Gujarat was divided in to mainly two phase. During the first phase (1844–1880) the reformer emerging from the various upper casts and social groups inspired by the certain ides of west and reform the society on the basis of this ideas, but during second phase (from 1880 onwards) they challenged those ideas and norms which they thought were uprooting the indigenous cultural tradition. In this process they tried to synthesis the sects of clashing value system. During the first phase this reforming movement on western thought and the Swaminarayan sect on traditional way play important role in the reforming the Hindu society. The Swaminarayan movement was founded by the Sahajanand Swami in 1802. Sahjanand Swami championed the cause of women, convincing people to abandon the cruel practices of sati, female infanticide and dowry and even encouraged womens education. He inspired people to give up their addictions to tobacco, alcohol, gambling and other vices. Sahjanand Swamis influence spread through all stratas of society, from the elite classes to the lower classes, inspiring them to forsake their wayward lifestyles and adopt a morally pure, God–centered life. This paper sketches the role of Swaminarayan sect in reforming the Gujarati society in 19th century and also highlight relevance his idea which still playing major role in the economic and moral development of Gujarat Society.  

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Dr. DIlip Kataria Swaminarayan Sect and Transition in Gujarati Society During the 19th Century Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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